The IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium is a unique annual event exclusively for grant-makers, which
is focused specifically on issues and opportunities relevant to funders in South Africa. The symposium
provides an ideal platform for funders to connect, learn, share and collaborate.
About the symposium
Date: 28-29 October 2019
Venue: STIAS: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, Marais Rd, Mostertsdrift, Stellenbosch, 7600
The IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium is a unique annual event exclusively for grant-makers, which
is focused specifically on issues and opportunities relevant to funders in South Africa. The symposium
provides an ideal platform for funders to connect, learn, share and collaborate.
The 2019 Annual Philanthropy Symposium was a two-day online event which was held on the 28 th and
29 th October.
The Symposium theme: Social Cohesion: Building Hope and Trust.
A year ago, when we started planning this Symposium, the theme of Social Cohesion felt right, even
obvious, given the deep chasms in our society between black and white, rich and poor, rural and urban…
the list goes on. What should and could a philanthropist do to respond to this crisis in an environment of
swirling negative sentiment, fake news and rampant corruption? What is needed to help to build hope
and trust between people in our country?
The 2019 IPASA Philanthropy Symposium provided a platform for sharing of new ideas and knowledge
as well as discussion around future collaboration and partnership opportunities.
For more information contact: Louise:
This year’s programme has been designed to ensure maximum opportunity for delegates to connect, share and learn from each other.
Click here to download the full programme.