What if? Reimagining Philanthropy for a Better Future

Creating space to imagine a radically different tomorrow
The world is constantly and rapidly changing, and so is philanthropy. How do we, who are working in philanthropy, think about tomorrow, today? How can we formulate funding strategies in the face of uncertainty? How do we practice long-term planning, risk-taking and innovation in times of more challenging crises? We cannot predict the future, but we can reflect on critical uncertainties, identify crucial blockers and enablers of social change, examine our own funding practice, and re-imagine the future of philanthropy together.
Date: 30 – 31 October 2024
Venue: The Maslow Hotel Sandton, Corner Rivonia Rd, Grayston Dr, Sandton
Fee: Members – R3 900 | Non-Members – R6 500
The IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium is the only gathering exclusively for grant-makers in South Africa, providing a unique opportunity for funders to come together and connect around issues and opportunities that are most relevant to their work. The Symposium offers a platform for independent funders to share knowledge and collaborate on funding practice and priorities.
The IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium 2024 will serve as a platform to delve deep into the theme of Reimagining Philanthropy for a Better Future. The Symposium will offer delegates the opportunity to, together with other independent philanthropy stakeholders, discuss shared visions for a preferred future – looking at the many possible, plausible, probable, and, ultimately, preferable futures for philanthropy.
With engaging workshops, panel discussions, and presentations from leading experts in the philanthropy field, the 10th IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium is a must-attend event for anyone involved in funding philanthropic initiatives in South Africa. The Symposium provides an ideal environment to stay up to date on current trends, innovations, and best practices in the sector, as well as an opportunity to build relationships and explore potential collaborations with other like-minded funders.
For more information contact: judith@ipa-sa.org.za or louise@ipa-sa.org.za
The IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium 2024 is generously sponsored by:
Main Sponsors
What if? Reimagining Philanthropy for a Better Future
30 October: Day One – Re-evaluating Philanthropy’s Priorities: Reimagining Philanthropy
9:30 – 10:30 OPENING SESSION
Shaping Philanthropy Futures Agenda: Time for Philanthropy with a Long View
The old world is crumbling, while the new one is yet to be born, which calls for a radical rethinking of how we approach the future and address complex challenges. Many of the traditional frameworks we have long relied upon to navigate change do not bring the results we want to see. This requires philanthropic organisations to expand the philanthropy toolbox with new, non-linear strategies and practices to cope with uncertainty and unpredictability. Philea’s Futures Philanthropy initiative will share how anticipation and futures thinking can play a role in offering fresh perspectives, imagining alternative pathways and developing a flexibility to adapt, anticipate and proactively shape better futures for communities and the planet.
Main speaker: Hanna Stahle, Head of Foresight and Innovation Philea (Philanthropy European Association)
Respondent speakers:
Mmabatho Maboya, CEO: Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation
Yacoob Abba Omar, Director Operations: Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA)
10:30 – 11:00 TEA BREAK
11:00 – 11:50 The Potential Impact of the Polycrisis and GNU on Funding Priorities into the Future
How will the polycrisis affect philanthropies’ funding priorities into the future. What type of leadership is required, and what should they prioritise? What skills are needed to reimagine philanthropy into the future/what priorities do leaders need to focus on going into the future. Recognising the interconnected nature of global challenges, from climate disasters and health pandemics to economic inequality, disillusionment with democracy, and political instability, what does philanthropy need to pay attention to now, particularly in light of the GNU?
Main Speaker: Siphosami Malunga, Former Executive Director, Open Society Foundation of Southern African
Respondent speakers:
Siphokazi Mthathi, CEO of Tekano Health Equity
Lusako Mnyemembe, Programme Officer, Ford Foundation Southern Africa
11:50 – 12.40 Re-imagining Philanthropy’s Role in Funding to Shift Systems at Scale and Speed
Given the complexity and enormity of the crisis we face locally and globally, funders need to reimagine how they work at both speed and at scale to effectively address these systemic challenges. This panel discussion will look at what the role of philanthropy in reimagining how they fund systemic change in education, youth livelihoods and climate, given what the future holds.
Panel members:
- Nicola Galombik, Executive Director: Yellowwoods Holdings (youth livelihoods)
- Gail Campbell, CEO: Zenex Foundation (education)
- Dhesigan Naidoo, Head of Climate Adaption: Presidential Climate Commission (climate)
12:40 – 12:45 Announcement of post lunch break-away sessions
12:45 – 13:45 LUNCH
13:45 – 14:45 Funding Priorities Break-away Sessions
Three parallel break-away sessions on youth livelihoods, education and climate where there will be an in-depth facilitated discussion on how to shift systems at scale and speed within the selected priority funding areas focusing on future scenarios and collaboration:
- Youth employment and entrepreneurship break-away: Tshego Bokaba, Momentum Metropolitan Foundation and Nontando Mthetwa, Alan Gray Orbis Foundation
- Education break-away: Gail Campbell, Zenex Foundation and Sarah Cairns, Epoch and Optima Trusts
- Climate: Dumasani Nxumalo, Presidential Climate Commission and Keri Francis, African Climate Foundation
14:45 – 15:15 TEA
15:15 – 16:15 Reimagining Philanthropy for Systemic Change: How to make systems change real
Systems change is a big buzzword — but what does it mean? What do we mean by system and what change do we seek to make? Rakesh Rajani will share lessons from his experience supporting and accompanying powerful systems change work across the Global South. Zaheera Mohammed will go deep into Ilifa Labantwana’s humble and flexible approach to systems change, sharing insights and operational knowledge that can support changemakers to shift system dynamics and expand their toolkits, including a willingness to try, fail, learn and adapt all whilst embracing complexity. Both will also address how philanthropy can better support systems change.
Zaheera Mohamed, CEO Ilifa Labantwana and Rakesh Rajani, President at Just Systems
16:15 – 16:45: Introduction to Futures Thinking: Practical tools
An introduction to tools available for exploring plausible futures for philanthropy; challenging our assumptions about the future; and understanding the trajectory of the present and past to understand what the patterns going forward might look like to plan funding strategies.
Hanna Stahle and Reos Partners
16:45 – 17:00 Closing of Day One
31 October: Day two – Re-evaluating Philanthropy’s Practice: Reimagining Philanthropy
A sharing of the key learnings from Day 1 and setting the scene for plans and expectations for Day 2
09:00 – 10:00 OPENING SESSION:
Community-Led Funding – Reshaping Philanthropy through Shifting Power in Communities
The Firelight Foundation will look at the critical role that community-based organisations play in directing resources where they are needed most through Community Drive Systems Change. Reflecting on a different way of approaching philanthropy, practical ways will be shared on how funders can shift the decision-making, and therefore the power, in the hands of community leaders and organizations who are closest to the work.
Main Speaker:
Marieme Daff, Executive Director, Firelight Foundation
Ruth Mapara, Director, Masana wa Afrika
Nkanyiso Hlongwa, Partner & Head of Africa Office, Bridgespan Group
Mamo Mohapi, Programme Officer, Mott Foundation.
10:00-10:30 Introduction to breakaway sessions and Tea
10:30 – 11:30 Breakaway Sessions on the practice of community led-philanthropy:
Three parallel break-away sessions will be held on different aspects of community-led philanthropy: community driven systems change; organisational strengthening; and resourcing community-led efforts. The break-aways will involve an in-depth facilitated discussion on how philanthropy can follow, support and adapt these practices going into the future.
- Breakaway 1: Community Driven Systems Change: Marieme Daff and Ruth Mapara
- Breakaway 2: Resourcing Community-led efforts: Mamo Mohapi and Jeremy Maarman, Initiative for Community Advancement
- Breakaway 3: Organisational Strengthening for Community Organisations: Nkanyiso Hlongwa and Chiedza Chagutah, Hlanganisa Community Fund.
11:30 – 12:15: Plenary Sharing group learnings and Insights
12:15 – 13:15 LUNCH
13:15 -13:30 Post-lunch Energiser
13:30 – 14:30 Reimagining How we Fund: Preparing Philanthropy for Innovative funding into the Future
How do we move away from traditional grant-making and fund differently to maximize impact in our constantly evolving world? This session will explore some of the innovative funding options for foundations and look at the practicalities of leveraging capital and innovative financing models through a facilitated panel discussion.
Panel members:
- Nicole Martens, Krutham speaking on the intersection of grant making and impact investing
- Nomsa Muthaphuli, Oppenheimer Memorial Trust, sharing the practicalities of setting up and running an Outcomes-Based Financing Early Childhood Care & Education programme
- Maxine Gray, Investec Wealth & Investment, speaking on their ESG and Responsible Investing Guidebook guide from an endowment investment perspective.
14:30 – 15:00 Reimagining Philanthropic Leadership in these Changing, Turbulent Times
This closing address will look at how leaders, particularly in the philanthropy sector, need to depart from conventional approaches and take bold, ethical, and innovative actions to help lead organizations and communities towards sustainable and resilient solutions.
Speaker: Nyimpini Mabunda, Chairman: Schindler Lifts & African Philanthropy Forum Board Member.
CLOSING SESSION: 15:00 – 16:00
Confirmed Speakers
Chiedza Chagutah

Senior Manager: Program Development & Knowledge Management
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Chiedza Chagutah is the Senior Manager for Programme Development and Knowledge Management at Hlanganisa Community Fund, a South African-based intermediary foundation supporting grassroot formations including community-based organisations and social movements.
Chiedza has been involved in the philanthropy sector for over 15 years and has a keen interest in feminist governance of philanthropy that enables accessibility of financial resources to women in rural Africa.
She is currently undertaking research on funding to rural women-led community-based organisations. She also serves on various boards of social justice organisations in the Southern African region.
Colleen Magner

Director of Innovation & Practice
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Colleen Magner is co-founder of Reos Partners and Director of Practice and Innovation at Reos Africa. Since 2007, she has led projects in over 20 countries on issues including food security, health care, education, and climate change.
A scenario-planning expert, Colleen has facilitated cross-sector processes since 2003. Colleen is also a writer and an adjunct faculty member at the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS).
She previously managed the Centre for Leadership and Dialogue at GIBS. Colleen holds a BCom (Law) from Nelson Mandela University and an MCom (Cum Laude) from the University of KwaZulu Natal.
She has completed executive programmes at Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business School.
Dhesigen Naidoo

Climate Adaptation Lead
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Dhesigen Naidoo is a leader, scientist, and activist for positive social change. He is currently Head of Climate Adaptation at the South African Presidential Climate Commission and Head of the African Climate Risk and Human Security Programme at the Institute for Security Studies, Africa.
He also serves as President of Human Right 2 Water, is a Founding Member of the Water Policy Group, and is a Board Member of the International Water Management Institute. Additionally, he is Vice Chair of the Technical Advisory Group on Water to the UAE and an Advisory Board Member of the University of Stellenbosch School of Climate Studies.
Previously, he was CEO of the Water Research Commission, held senior positions in the South African government and various South African universities, and was a councillor of the National Advisory Council on Innovation.
Gail Campbell

Chief Executive Officer
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Gail Campbell is the CEO of the Zenex Foundation, an independent foundation that focuses on mathematics and language education in South Africa. With over 25 years of experience, Gail is a thought leader in philanthropy, with expertise in the education sector.
Her approach is values-driven with a commitment to strengthening donor impact. She is an advocate for monitoring, evaluation and learning as the bedrock for effective grant-making. Gail’s previous experience as a practitioner and lecturer in the field of social work has been influential in shaping her leadership practice and developmental focus.
Gail currently serves on several non-profit boards in education and contributes extensively to both local and international forums drawing on her knowledge and experience in social development, philanthropy and education.
Hanna Stähle

Head of Foresight and Innovation
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Dr Hanna Stähle leads the futures and innovation work of the Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea), developing original research, publications and case studies and managing programmes to strengthen the philanthropic community and inspire collaboration through convening.
As Head of Foresight and Innovation, Hanna developed the strategy of Philea’s Futures Philanthropy initiative, which involved the publishing of Philea’s Futures Philanthropy: Anticipation for the Common Good in collaboration with the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies.
Hanna is the co-founder of PEX, a community of over 400 philanthropy infrastructure practitioners seeding new ways of learning, organising and collaborating, led by a decentralised core team.
Previously, Hanna worked with the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the German Association of Foundations. She holds a PhD in Slavic Cultural Studies (summa cum laude) from the University of Passau.
Jeremy Maarman

Executive Director
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Jeremy Maarman is a community development expert with over 20 years of experience. As the founding Director of the Initiative for Community Advancement, a community foundation based in Piketberg, Jeremy has successfully transformed the organisation from a national youth network, established in 2010, into a leading community foundation.
Throughout his career, Jeremy has secured licenses for innovative international development models, including YouthBank and the MyMachine programme.
Jeremy has played a pivotal role in promoting Community Foundations across Africa as a viable organisational form to encourage active citizenship and community philanthropy.
Lusako Munyenyembe

Programme Officer - Civic Engagement and Government
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Lusako Munyenyembe is a human rights and governance specialist with over 14 years of experience working in Southern Africa. Her career has spanned roles in grassroots organisations, NGOs, and governments, where she has advocated for structural and policy change to promote human rights and democratic principles.
Lusako previously worked for the Open Society Foundation as Programme Manager for the Democracy and Governance portfolio. She also worked as Principal Human Rights Officer at the Malawi Human Rights Commission where her focus was on promoting civil and political rights and at the UNDP(Malawi) – providing analysis and advice on political and human rights issues in the country.
She joined the Ford Foundation in 2022 to lead the Civic Engagement and Government portfolio, focusing on Gender, Racial and Ethnic Justice, and Natural Resource and Climate Change. Lusako holds a degree in Sociology and Public Policy from the University of Malawi and a Masters in Applied Human Rights from the University of York.
Mamo Mohapi

Program Officer - Civil Society
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Mamo Mohapi is a Programme Officer on the Civil Society team at the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. In her current role, she supports the development of community foundations in Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia, and South Africa.
Additionally, Mamo’s work supports the opening of civic space in Africa and building the ecosystem that supports a thriving civil society and philanthropic sectors in the continent. Before joining Mott, she was the Business Development Manager at the Charities Aid Foundation Southern Africa where she managed a portfolio of corporate social involvement programmes for several businesses.
She began her career as the national finance officer at the Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa. She holds a degree in Cost and Management Accounting from the Vaal University of Technology.
She has completed several certificate programmes, including a development communications programme at the School of Journalism at WITS University, and the emerging leader’s programme at Common Purpose.
Marième Daff

Executive Director
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Marième Daff is the Executive Director of the Firelight Foundation which supports communities and community-based organisations to drive systems change for children and youth in eastern and southern Africa.
She previously served as Director of Programs and Partnerships at Vibrant Village Foundation, a private foundation working to improve food security, family health, financial wellbeing, and education in communities around the world.
Marième has over 20 years of experience in international development and philanthropy with a focus on women’s economic empowerment, social inclusion, and gender-sensitive programming, primarily in Africa.
Marième is a global citizen with deep roots in Senegal, an upbringing in France, and a professional career spanning the United States and Africa. She holds degrees from the Sorbonne in Paris and New York University.
Maxine Gray

Strategic Project Manager and Joint Head of Philanthropy
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Maxine Gray is a business strategist and philanthropy specialist at Investec Wealth & Investment International. She is a member of the Executive, responsible for the strategic development of the Wealth & Investment business.
The focus of her work extends across wealth management, investment management and people, purpose and culture. Maxine is driven to enable positive impact and sustainable change fueled by her love for people, fascination with human systems and commitment to personal growth and development.
She was named the UN Global Compact SA SDG Pioneer winner in 2020, is an alumni and mentor of the UN Young SDG Innovator Program, is a One Young World ambassador, is the founder of a blanket drive that helped over 20,000 people between 2010 – 2020 and is a board member of imagine.nation, a non-profit organisation that focuses on early childhood development and entrepreneurship in rural communities.
Maxine holds an Honours degree in Business Finance from Wits, has completed two CFA certificates in ESG Investing and Impact Investing and has completed various UN PRI Academy courses.
Mmabatho Maboya

Chief Executive Officer
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Mmabatho Mabiya is the CEO of the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation. She joined the Foundation in 2015 as its Strategy and Partnerships Executive. Mmabatho is an experienced strategy, communications and stakeholder relations professional with strong capabilities to link research, strategy and technical expertise to reputation management.
Before joining the Foundation, she worked for Shanduka Group, Eskom Holdings SOC and in local government. She serves on the boards of Adopt-a-School Foundation, Black Umbrellas, KST and was the Chairperson of the IPASA council. Mmabatho is passionate about issues relating to access to quality education, children’s rights, entrepreneurship, environmental sustainability and good governance.
She holds a BSc (Statistics and Geography) from the University of the Free State; a BSc Honours (Geography) from the University of South Africa; and an MBA from the University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science.
Mpinane Senkhane

Senior Consultant
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Mpinane Senkhane holds the position of Senior Consultant at Reos Partners where she drives impact by leading private sector and civil society actors in tackling critical social issues.
Her work encompasses process facilitation, project and stakeholder relations management, strategic communications, systems change consulting, and leading transformation projects.
Her skills include strategy development, report production (with a focus on synthesizing qualitative information), coaching, and facilitation.
She has extensive experience in leading and participating in diverse projects, including those with the United Nations, MSF Dismantling Structural Racism and UNAIDS Global Strategy development. Mpinane has an MA in Media Practice for Development from the University of Sussex.
Nicola Galombik

Executive Director
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Nicola Galombik, as Executive Director of Yellowwoods Holdings, has led efforts to drive positive social and environmental impact through its businesses. Nicola also manages Yellowwoods’ social financing and grant-making. Under her leadership, Yellowwoods has incubated African non-profit social enterprises like SmartStart PILO, and Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, for which she won the Skoll Award in 2019.
She also received the McNulty Prize and the Schwab Foundation’s Corporate Social Intrapreneur Award in 2020. Nicola served on the South African Ministerial Task Team on Post School Education and Skills and the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative. She has also run her own management consulting business focused on organisational change and leadership.
Nicola has actively participated in building leadership networks across the African continent and globally. She is a fellow of the African Leadership Initiative, sits on the Advisory Board of Africa Leadership Group and been a guest lecturer at leading global business schools. She studied at Wits University graduating as a full-bright scholar and has an MA from New York University.
Nicole Martens

Head of Impact Investing Research
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Nicole Martens is the head of impact investing research at Krutham. In this role, Nicole works with finance-first and social-first clients, ranging from banks to philanthropies, to develop and implement mechanisms to improve social outcomes while meeting financial targets.
Nicole’s expertise includes advancing Africa’s transition to a low-carbon economy and leveraging innovative finance mechanisms to achieve financial returns with positive environmental, social and governance (ESG) outcomes. Nicole previously worked for the Old Mutual Investment Group as head of stewardship. Her 15-year career has covered impact investing and consulting, including head of Africa and Middle East for the United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Investment.
Nicole holds an MSc in Finance (Economic Policy) from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, and an Honours degree in Economics from Rhodes University.
Nkanyiso Hlongwa

Partner & Head of Africa Office
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Nkanyiso Hlongwa is Partner and Head of the Africa Office for the Bridgespan Group. He serves philanthropy, nonprofit, and impact-investing clients who seek to enhance their impact in Africa. Nkanyiso is co-author of Bridgespan’s publications: “Closing the Capital Gap on Impact Investment in Africa” and “How African NGOs Grow”.
Before joining Bridgespan, Nkanyiso worked as a corporate strategy and growth practitioner for Monitor Deloitte. Nkanyiso holds an MBA from St. Mary’s University College, Twickenham and a Bachelor of Business Science (Honours in Economics) from the University of Cape Town.
His career began as a macroeconomist for the Bureau for Economic Research in South Africa before transitioning to an operations analyst in New York. He returned to South Africa and established his consulting career, for which he has been recognised several times for his leadership and performance.
Nomsa Muthaphuli

Fund Manager ECD and Youth
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Nomsa Muthaphuli is the ECD and Youth Development Fund Manager at the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust and is passionate about education and influencing systemic change, through her current role as well as her past role as an executive at SmartStart.
Nomsa is a Strategic Operations Specialist with demonstrated expertise in systems thinking and innovation to scale social programmes with impact. She has 18 years of experience covering operational design, strategy development and implementation.
Over the past eight years, she has led a variety of portfolios and functions including funder development, impact portfolios, large-scale implementation enablement, finance management, process and systems development and partnership and stakeholder management.
Nontando Mthethwa

Head of Public Affairs & Communications
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Nontando Mthethwa is the Head of Public Affairs and Communications at the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, where she contributes to the organisation’s strategic leadership as a member of the Executive Committee.
She leads the Foundation’s strategic positioning, thought leadership, partnerships, advocacy, brand management and the Allan Gray Entrepreneurship Challenge.
Nontando also serves on the Steering Committee of the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) Southern Africa Chapter. With over 19 years of diverse professional experience, she is passionate about fostering entrepreneurship, driving innovation, and creating positive social impact.
Nontando has a master’s degree in business administration from the Gordon Institute of Business Science and an honour’s degree in journalism in business administration from WITS University.
Nyimpini Mabunda

Chairman: Schindler Lifts Board Member APF and Best-Selling Author
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Nyimpini Mabunda is a seasoned executive and business strategist with over 25 years of experience driving transformative changes in multinational corporations across South Africa, the UK, and Uganda. As a forward-thinking CEO and Board Chairman, he has a proven track record in revenue growth, digital transformation, innovation, and business turnarounds.
Nyimpini currently serves as Chairman for Schindler Lifts South Africa and a non-executive board member at Lombard Insurance, The Bevco Company and Octodec Group. Previously he was CEO of General Electric in Southern Africa, served as a board member for American Chamber of Commerce South Africa and chairman of South Africa-United States of America Business Council, a division of the US Chamber.
Nyimpini also held key positions as a Senior Advisor at Boston Consulting Group, was the CEO for Consumer Business at Vodacom Group, and Managing Director at Diageo/Uganda Breweries. He worked as Head of Strategy and Group Portfolio Manager for Brandhouse B”everages, a Diageo JV Business.
He started his career at Proctor & Gamble. Nyimpini is a best-selling author of Take Charge: Life Lessons on the Road to CEO” and holds an MBA from the University of Cape Town, with further education from Harvard and INSEAD Business Schools.
Rakesh Rajani

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Rakesh Rajani is the President of JustSystems, which seeks to strengthen and support infrastructure to make public systems effective, inclusive and dignity-affirming in the Global South. He brings 25 years of experience in starting and running Civil Society Organisations and 9 years in philanthropy.
He served as the first VP of Programs at Co-Impact and led its conceptualisation of systems change. He was also Director of Civic Engagement and Government at the Ford Foundation in New York. Previously, Rakesh founded and served as the Head of Twaweza East Africa, an organization that advances citizen agency and open government and established Uwezo, Africa’s largest programme to assess basic literacy and numeracy.
He has also co-founded and led HakiElimu, Tanzania’s largest citizen engagement and education advocacy organization.). Rakesh is a founding member and past co-chair of the Open Government Partnership and a long time fellow at the Center for Global Development at Harvard University.
He has also served on several non-profit boards, including the Hewlett Foundation, Luminate, IBP and IPA.
Ruth Mapara

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Ruth Mapara is the Director of Masana wa Afrika (Masana), an Africa-based foundation that supports over 115 community-based organisations working to improve the lives of children in Africa. Masana spun out of the ELMA Community Grants Program in 2023.
Ruth served in different roles at ELMA Philanthropies since 2012 before she transitioned to Masana. She has over a decade of experience in philanthropy and development with a focus on community-driven development in Africa.
Ruth leverages her experience, networks and partnerships to amplify the impactful work of grassroot organisations and drive philanthropic resources to underserved communities. Ruth is studying for a master’s degree in African Philanthropy at WITS University.
Sarah Cairns

Social Investment Specialist: Education
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Sarah Cairns is the head of the Epoch and Optima Trusts which, since 2007, has been committed to improving learner outcomes in school education. Sarah has spent close to 20 years working in social investment, primarily in the education sector.
Beginning her career at Tshikululu Social Investments she was involved in the establishment of the Epoch and Optima Trusts. She left Tshikululu to pursue opportunities as an independent consultant and returned to Tshikululu to work with the Epoch and Optima Trusts again in 2022.
Much of her career has involved developing and driving social investment strategies, programme design and management, and multiple stakeholder engagement. Sarah believes in solutions for complex challenges that are driven by collective effort and partnerships that are rooted in sound evidence and is deeply committed to education in South Africa.
Siphokazi Mthathi

Chief Executive Officer
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Siphokazi Mthathi is the CEO of Tekano Health Equity South Africa. With 25 years of experience in social change leadership at both national and international levels, she has worked across fields including human rights, social justice, philanthropy, and development.
Sipho was a key leader of the Treatment Action Campaign and played a crucial role in shaping South Africa’s 2007 comprehensive response to the HIV & AIDS epidemic. She also contributed to global advocacy efforts addressing equitable access to lifesaving medicines for people living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa.
She is the former Executive Director of Oxfam South Africa, where she worked both in South Africa and within Oxfam International’s global executive leadership. She has served on the boards of various organisations including the Open Society Institute of Southern Africa, and currently the Women’s Legal Centre.
Siphosami Malunga

Former Executive Director
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Dr Siphosami Malunga holds a PhD in International Law from WITS University. He is the former Programs Director at Open Society Africa and was previously Executive Director of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA).
Siphosami is a human rights lawyer and an advocate for justice, and transparent and accountable governance. He has previously held UN posts around the world focused on democratic governance, development, peacekeeping, post-conflict recovery, justice sector reform and transitional justice.
He is also an international criminal lawyer, an author of multiple books and a regular contributor on political and economic governance, human rights and accountability issues in national, regional and international publications. Siphosami also holds an LLM from the University of Oslo and an LLB from the University of Zimbabwe. He is a Yale University Global Justice Fellow.
Tshego Bokaba

Group CSI Manager
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Tshego is the Group CSI Manager for the Momentum Group. She is an experienced business professional with a strong background in corporate social responsibility, consumer financial education, and community development.
Driven by a deep passion for advancing the African continent and fostering youth development, Tshego has had several achievements in her career including spearheading projects that have boosted entrepreneurship, generated employment, revitalized communities, and enhanced educational outcomes.
She has also played a pivotal role in crafting and executing strategies related to the green economy, youth unemployment, and financial literacy. Tshego sees herself as a forward-thinking, globally aware industry leader with exceptional skills in leadership, communication, business strategy, and project management.
Yacoob Abba Omar

Director Operations
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Dr Yacoob Abba Omar is the Director of Operations at MISTRA. He was head of strategy at the Banking Association South Africa from 2017 -2020. He served as South Africa’s Ambassador to Oman (2003-2008), where he was decorated by the Sultan, and to the UAE (2008-2013).
His public service began in 1993 with a management role at Armscor, followed by deputy head of Government Communications in 1998. He served the ANC in various roles from 1983 -1993 and was honoured for distinguished service by the Minister of Defence. He led two country scenarios for the South African Presidency and lectured on Risks and Scenarios at the post-graduate level.
He completed his PhD in Sociology from Wits University in 2017 and is a Business Day columnist, Executive Committee member of the Indlulamithi Scenarios Project, and Commissioner on the National Planning Commission.
Zaheera Mohamed

Chief Executive Officer
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Zaheera Mohamed is the CEO of Ilifa Labantwana. Zaheera holds a Master of Arts Degree focusing on Developmental Social Welfare from WITS University. She has extensive experience in government engagement, public finance, early childhood development financing and policy analysis and development.
Before joining Ilifa Labantwana, Zaheera worked for the National Treasury for 12 years and was the Director for Public Finance: Social Development amongst other roles. She enjoys the challenges that come with figuring out complex systems for Early Childhood Development (ECD)and draws inspiration from her grandmother who was an ECD teacher all her life.
The Maslow Hotel Sandton
The Maslow is located in Sandton’s financial district, only a few minutes away from the Sandton Gautrain station, Sandton City mall and Nelson Mandela Square. With modern conference facilities and meeting rooms, conference spaces at the Maslow are designed to inspire creativity, spark innovation and foster meaningful connections.
• To receive the symposium special accommodation rates please use the booking reference number: IPA281024
• Bookings to be made via maslow.reservations@suninternational.com or 010 226 4786
• Delegates can copy marian@behella.co.za in on the communication with the Hotel to assist if necessary.
Registration Closed
Thank you for your interest in the 2024 IPASA Symposium. Please note that registration is now closed.
We look forward to welcoming all registered attendees to this year’s symposium, focused on reimagining philanthropy for a better future.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact judith@ipa-sa.org.za