For the last 4 years, Louise Driver has held the position of Executive Director of IPASA, the Independent Philanthropy Association of South Africa, a membership-based philanthropy forum which promotes, advances and supports philanthropy in South Africa.
Prior to joining IPASA, Louise held for 9 years the position of CEO of the Children’s Hospital Trust at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.

Louise has a Business Science Honours degree in Social Marketing from UCT and over 25 years of funding, fundraising and development experience within the philanthropy sector. She has worked for the Catholic Welfare and Development, fundraising for their 22 development projects; worked in the corporate sector for Old Mutual and MTN’s Corporate Social Investment projects and was MD of GreaterCapital, a CSI consultancy, part of the GreaterGood SA group, where she worked with over 60 corporate clients in developing and implementing effective CSI strategies.

Louise has won several awards, including the Regional Businesswoman of the Year Award: Social Development category; the South African Institute of Fundraising award for Southern Africa Fundraiser of the Year; the Resource Alliance 2013 Global Fundraiser of the Year at the International Fundraising Conference in the Netherlands; and SADAC regional and South African CEO Global award for Africa’s Most Influential Woman in Business & Government.