Bold Philanthropy: Courageous Conversations to Ignite Action
Embracing Bold Thinking, Enabling Bold Practices
By embracing bold thinking, we transcend the boundaries of traditional solutions, venturing into the realm of innovative approaches and unconventional methods. Through this mindset, we break free from the constraints of convention and open doors to new possibilities. With the empowerment of bold practices, we forge a path towards a future shaped by purpose, inclusivity, and sustainability.
IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium 2023
Date: 1 – 2 November 2023
Venue: The Forum | Embassy Hill, Constantia, Cape Town
The IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium is a unique annual event exclusively for grant-makers, focused specifically on the issues and opportunities relevant to funders in South Africa. This symposium provides an ideal platform for funders to connect, learn, share, and find opportunities to collaborate.
Amidst the backdrop of increasing uncertainty and ever evolving challenges, the role of philanthropy in shaping the future has never been more critical. In a world where the future remains unpredictable, it is essential for philanthropy to embrace new perspectives, foster innovation, and remain open to emerging possibilities.
With this vision in mind, the 2023 IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium 2023 will serve as a platform to delve deep into the theme of Bold Philanthropy, facilitating courageous conversations and encouraging bold leadership to drive transformative action. The Symposium will offer delegates the opportunity to:
– Explore Bold thinking – enabling paradigm shifts, and embracing the boldness to acknowledge and respond to an uncertain future.
– Embody Boldness in practice – to disrupt the status quo and test new ideas.
The symposium will include presentations, panel discussions and facilitated break-away sessions looking at both funding priorities and funding practices including:
– How do we practice philanthropy better to meet the current challenges?
– How do we collaborate better to more impactfully address the challenges we face?
– How do we empower bold leadership in philanthropy?
– How do we embrace risk, uncertainty and a willingness to experiment in tackling these challenges?
The 2023 Symposium will bring together a diverse community of philanthropic visionaries, trailblazers, and changemakers who share a common goal: to shape the future of independent philanthropy.
For more information contact: judith@ipa-sa.org.za or louise@ipa-sa.org.za
The IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium 2023 is generously sponsored by:
Bold Philanthropy – Courageous Conversations to Embolden Action
Day One – 1st November
Boldly Acknowledging the Current and Future Challenges in South Africa – the Impact and Opportunities for Philanthropy.
What are the possible scenarios for South Africa, and how can philanthropy boldly respond to these various scenarios to contribute to ensuring the social and economic resilience of our country? What are the challenges that philanthropy needs to prepare for and what are the opportunities that philanthropy can possibly harness and leverage for maximum impact?
Panel of speakers:
– Xolelwa Kashe Katiya, acting project leader at Indlulamithi SA scenarios trust
– Crystal Orderson, Deputy Editor eNCA news
– Khaya Sithole, Independent Analyst
Bold Leadership in Philanthropy
What does visionary leadership look like in the philanthropy sector? How do we learn from existing leaders across sectors? How do we build a future pipeline of leaders in philanthropy?
Speakers: Bheki Moyo, Director of the Centre for African Philanthropy and Social Investment, in conversation with Judy Dlamini, WITS Chancellor and Janet Jobson, CEO of the Desmond and Leah Tutu Foundation.
In today’s world, where the challenges we face are constantly changing and increasingly complex, creativity has become an indispensable tool for philanthropy. This session will explore the importance of creativity in philanthropy in how it can drive innovation and identify innovative and sustainable solutions to problems and amplify impact.
Introduction to Innovation in Philanthropy
How can funders actively support and drive innovation both in what they fund and in how they fund? How can funders adopt an innovation mindset to creatively address the challenges they are trying to solve?
Speaker: Ian Calvert, Further Impact.
Innovation in Philanthropy Break-away Sessions
1st breakaway-Supporting Social Innovation in Philanthropy
This session will focus on how funders can be more innovative in their funding strategies in supporting initiatives, projects and programmes that provide innovative solutions to social issues.
Panel Discussion: Moderated by Ian Calvert with Bridget Evans, Executive Director of the SAB Foundation and Sonja Giese, Executive Director of DataDrive2030
2nd break-away: Innovative Funding Mechanisms
There is a growing need for philanthropy to invest in non-traditional funding mechanisms to address the gaps in funding and to leverage for-profit investment in development by ‘de-risking’ interventions that otherwise put private capital at risk. How can philanthropy best use their funds to pilot high risk projects that can then be taken to scale?
In this session, the African Venture Philanthropy Alliance (AVPA) will present the various innovative funding mechanisms available to funders and explain the importance of looking at alternative ways of funding, and the benefits for the philanthropy sector. Oppenheimer Generations will demonstrate a practical example of innovative funding through the presentation of their uMaStandi project, which raised a R125m fund for affordable housing and, by using blended financing has lowered the cost of lending for microentrepreneur property developers. The Global Energy Alliance will present a practical example of how they are using philanthropic funding as risk capital in the energy space.
– Tafadzwa Nyagano, Chief Financial Officer, African Venture Philanthropy Alliance
– Ziyad Cassim, Global Energy Alliance
– Ashleigh Fynn-Mondo, Oppenheimer Generations
This session will focus on the bold changes in mindset and practice that are needed to properly transform systems to effectively address the challenges we aim to solve. This includes exploring opportunities in various funding sectors that can leverage systems change.
Systems Change and Innovation
This presentation will explore how funders can apply a system lens to their work through innovation and how they can build capacity as system influencers, enabling sustainable and impactful change. We will examine through practice how we can change policy to allow for systemic change.
Speaker: Solange Rosa, Director of Bertha Centre
Case study speaker: Zanele Twala, Standard Bank Tutuwa Foundation
Systems Change and Climate Change:
Understanding and addressing climate change requires philanthropy to view it as a manifestation of systemic failure rather than an isolated environmental issue. Philanthropy, therefore, plays a vital role in endorsing systematic change to effectively address climate change.
Session Opening Talk:
An urgent call to philanthropy to understand and act upon climate change as a matter of systems change and the need for philanthropic funding in designing and implementing innovative solutions to the challenges of climate change in our country.
Speaker: Saliem Fakir, African Climate Foundation
Panel discussion:
The panel will discuss the vital role of philanthropy in endorsing systematic change to address climate change, and the urgent need for funders to reshape their strategies, combine their resources, and collaborate more effectively. The focus will be on fostering resilience among South Africans – socially, environmentally, and economically – particularly among the youth, emphasising the intersection of climate action, job creation, and skills acquisition.
Panel members:
– Sekoetlane Phamodi, the lead of the New Economy Campaigns Hub
– Ayakha Melithafa, Youth Commissioner for Presidential Climate Commission
– Prof Tracy-Lynn Humby from Wits and Chair of the Centre for Environmental Rights
– Thandolwethu Lukuko, Co-ordinator, South African Climate Action Network
Day Two – 2nd November
Philanthropy and Advocacy
Philanthropy plays a vital role in advocacy by mobilising financial resources, amplifying marginalised voices, fostering partnerships, catalysing innovation, and influencing policy and systems change. When funders collaborate with advocacy groups, governments, and communities, their collective efforts hold the potential to address systemic inequalities, champion human rights, and create a more just and inclusive society. How can funders be bolder in creating or supporting advocacy to bring about lasting change.
– Bongiwe Mlangeni, independent philanthropy consultant and ex-head of Social Justice Initiative
– Ashley Green-Thompson, Director of ACT Ubumbano
Courageous Collaboration
Introduction to Courageous Collaboration – key lessons learnt from innovative collaboration models of combined strategic funding.
Speaker: David Harrison, CEO of the DG Murray Trust
Collaboration Case Study Break-aways
– First breakaway session on Alan Gray’s Hamba Nathi school catchup collaboration
– Second breakaway session on the Fuel Trust’s school feeding scheme government collaboration
– Third breakaway session on the Ford Foundation’s 100-day challenge collaborative initiative
Case study speakers:
– Hamba Nathi – Lethabo Rampya and Alicia Okeyo, Alan and Gill Gray Philanthropies
– The Fuel Trust – Gary Campbell
– Ford Foundation – Nicky Le Roux
Sharing Group Learnings and Insights from Collaboration Break-aways
Courageous Leadership in Philanthropy
Lessons from African philanthropy leaders in embracing risk in addressing challenges our country and continent faces.
Speaker: Jaquie Asiimwe, CEO, Civsource Africa
Symposium Programme Themes
The 2023 IPASA Annual Philanthropy Symposium titled “Bold Philanthropy: Courageous Conversations to Ignite Action”, will focus on the following key themes:
Bold Leadership in Philanthropy
Bold Innovation in Philanthropy
Bold Systems
Change in
Bold Innovative Collaboration in Philanthropy
The symposium will include presentations, panel discussions and facilitated break-away sessions looking at both funding priorities and funding practices including:
- How do we practice philanthropy better to meet the current challenges?
- How do we collaborate better to more impactfully address the challenges we face?
- How can we better support innovative practices and projects in finding solutions to the challenges we are trying to address?
- How do we embrace risk, uncertainty and a willingness to experiment in tackling these challenges?
This symposium theme will explore what visionary leadership looks like in the philanthropy sector amid complex times marked by escalating demands for urgency and impact. Given the multitude of issues impacting leadership currently, we will examine the type of leadership required in identifying and navigating the pathways for achieving success. We will also examine how we can learn from successful leaders across various sectors as well as emerging leaders, and explore what is needed to build a future pipeline of leaders in philanthropy.
In today’s rapidly evolving and increasingly complex world, the challenges we face demand innovative thinking and practices which have become an integral requirement for impactful philanthropy. This symposium theme will delve into the significance of innovation in philanthropy, exploring how funders can actively support and drive innovation. It will also focus on how funders can identify and support innovative and sustainable solutions to various problems, amplifying their impact.
Innovation Sub-Themes:
- Supporting social innovation initiatives and projects: Complex problems need innovative solutions thus funders need to embrace innovation in their practices, focusing on supporting social innovation in addressing the challenges they are trying to solve.
- Innovative funding options: There is a growing need for philanthropy to explore and invest in non-traditional funding options to bridge the gaps in funding and to leverage for-profit investment in development. This can be achieved through ‘de-risking’ interventions that would otherwise put private capital at risk. We will examine how philanthropy can best use their funds to pilot high-risk projects that can then be taken to scale.
This symposium theme will focus on the bold changes in mindset that are needed to properly transform systems to effectively address the challenges we aim to solve. This includes exploring opportunities in various funding sectors that can leverage systems change. Philanthropy has to reflect deeply about how best we can collaborate to support broad systems change. We will examine how through practice we can change policy to allow for systemic change.
Systems Change Sub-Themes:
- Systems Change and Innovation: Given our country’s tricky socio-ecological systems we, as funders, need to enhance our capacity to work together, engaging and transforming these complex systems. We will explore how funders can apply a system lens to their work through innovation and build capacity as system influencers, enabling sustainable and impactful change.
- Systems Change and Climate Change: Understanding and addressing climate change requires philanthropy to view it as a manifestation of systemic failure, rather than an isolated environmental issue. Philanthropy, therefore, plays a vital role in endorsing systematic change to effectively address climate change. We will look at the opportunities for funders to reshape their strategies, design and implement innovative solutions and collaborate to foster social, environmental and economic resilience among South Africans, particularly our youth.
Radical collaboration among all philanthropy key stakeholders is essential to address the polycrisis we are facing, both locally and globally. However, true effective collaboration in philanthropy is rare due to the complexities and time investment involved in most long-term partnerships. This session, through practical funder case studies, will demonstrate how successful collaboration can be implemented. We will also explore how we can view collaboration differently by considering innovative models and practices. The learnings from these collaborations will be shared and analysed to encourage and leverage future collaborations.